All what was done from points, lines, plane figures, angles, metric system form basic knowledge and skills necessary to continue this module on geometry. This module continues with some aspects of vectors and vector geometry. It goes further to simple transformation, the loci and geometrical construction, trigonometry then circle and circle theorems. It ends with then earth as a sphere. This module is within the families of situations: Representations and transformation of plane shapes within the environment. Three categories of actions are involved namely: Perception of the physical environment, production of plane shapes and transformation of the physical environment and determination of measures.
This module will continue to improve upon learners’ understanding and appreciation of pattern, precision and beauty in natural and cultural forms. Learners will also develop the ability to visualize, measure, represent, describe and compare plane figures in the environment, use vector methods to solve problems and associate vectors to people and things in motion, use sine, cosine or tangent in right-angled triangles to determine distances. In addition, learners will develop the sense of order, rigour in working, ability to represent, accuracy and sense of precision and initiation to scientific method in handling life situations. The ability to construct will help learners to be able to represent and interpret the physical environment and also be able to investigate and model situations in the environment. As a result, they will be able to make sensible estimates, verify results, measure accurately, locate positions in real life as well as be alert to the reasonableness of measurements and calculation results.
Critical thinking, creativity and sense of initiative that learners will also develop are attitudes that will contribute to make a citizen autonomous and responsible in carrying out his social roles.
Plane geometry is one of the main parts of the Mathematics syllabus due to the expected learning outcome. Measuring in general relates directly to the scientific, technological and economic world of the learner. Accurate measuring and calculations involving lengths, angles and areas, representations and descriptions are an integral part of chemistry, Biology, Physics and other parts of Mathematics. Vectors and trigonometry are used in Physics while transformation, circle are applied in other science subjects. The earth as a sphere shows the application of mathematics to understand nature. Transformation is used by computer and video.
Introduction to Circles and Parts of Circles
our secondary mathematics tutor plays a crucial role in helping students grasp complex mathematical concepts, develop problem-solving skills, and build confidence in their abilities.
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