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  • Secondary Geography Tutor image

    By - Secondary Geography Tutor

  • 2 students
  • 166 Hours 40 Min
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Course Requirements

Form 1 Geography Course Description: Form 1 Geography is an introductory course designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of the Earth's physical and human geography. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, students will explore various geographical concepts, including landforms, climate, ecosystems, population, and cultural diversity. This course aims to develop students' critical thinking skills, spatial awareness, and global perspectives. Course Objectives: 1. To introduce students to the fundamental concepts and principles of geography. 2. To develop an understanding of the Earth's physical features, including landforms, climate, and natural resources. 3. To explore the interrelationships between humans and the environment, including the impact of human activities on the Earth's ecosystems. 4. To foster an appreciation for cultural diversity and the importance of global interconnectivity. 5. To enhance students' spatial awareness and map reading skills. 

Course Description

Form 1 Geography course! This comprehensive program is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the study of geography. Throughout this course, students will explore various geographical concepts, including landforms, climate, population, and natural resources. By examining real-world examples and engaging in hands-on activities, students will develop a deep understanding of how geography shapes our world. Join us on this educational journey as we explore the wonders of our planet and gain valuable insights into the interconnectedness of different regions. Get ready to expand your knowledge and become a proficient geographer. Enroll in FORM 1 GEOGRAPHY today!

Course Outcomes

Title: FORM 1 GEOGRAPHY Course Outline: I. Introduction to Geography A. Definition and scope of Geography B. Importance of studying Geography C. Basic geographic concepts and skills II. Physical Geography A. Earth's structure and composition B. Landforms and their formation C. Climate and weather patterns D. Biomes and ecosystems III. Human Geography A. Population distribution and growth B. Urbanization and rural-urban migration C. Cultural diversity and its impact on societies D. Economic activities and their spatial patterns IV. Map Skills and Geospatial Technology A. Understanding and interpreting maps B. Map reading and navigation C. Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) D. Remote sensing and its applications V. Environmental Issues A. Natural hazards and disasters B. Pollution and its impact on ecosystems C. Conservation and sustainable development D. Climate change and its consequences VI. Regional Geography A. Africa: Physical and human characteristics B. Asia: Physical and human characteristics C. Europe: Physical and human characteristics D. Americas: Physical and human characteristics E. Oceania: Physical and human characteristics VII. Fieldwork and Research Skills A. Conducting geographical investigations B. Data collection techniques C. Analysis and interpretation of data D. Presenting findings and conclusions VIII. Revision and Assessment A. Review of key concepts and topics B. Practice exercises and quizzes C. Summative assessments and examinations Note: This course outline is subject to modification and adaptation based on the specific curriculum requirements and learning objectives of the educational institution. Tone of voice: Professional

Course Curriculum

  • 6 chapters
  • 74 lectures
  • 37 quizzes
  • 166 Hours 40 Min total length
Toggle all chapters
1 Ice, wind, and wave erosion [Quiz]

2 Ice, wind, and wave erosion
2 Min

3 Rocks [Quiz]

4 Rocks
3 Min

5 Craters [Quiz]

6 Craters
3 Min

7 The Mantle [Quiz]

8 The Mantle
2 Min

9 The Earth's internal structure [Quiz]

10 The Earth's internal structure
3 Min

11 The crust [Quiz]

12 The crust
2 Min

13 Processes of Tectonism [Quiz]

14 Processes of Tectonism
2 Min

15 Craters [Quiz]

16 Importance of Soil Texture
5 Min

17 Importance of Soil Texture [Quiz]

18 Processes of Erosion
2 Min

19 Processes of Erosion [Quiz]

20 Rotation of the earth
4 Min

21 Rotation of the earth [Quiz]

22 Latitudes
3 Min

23 Latitudes [Quiz]

24 Effects of the earth's rotation
3 Min

25 Effects of the earth's rotation [Quiz]

26 Longitudes
3 Min

27 Longitudes [Quiz]

28 Differences between longitudes and latitudes
3 Min

29 Differences between longitudes and latitudes [Quiz]

30 Craters
3 Min

31 Nappe fold and features of folding
2 Min

32 Collapse of Damps and Buildings and Ash Flow
2 Min

33 Collapse of Damps and Buildings and Ash Flow [Quiz]

34 Intrusive features of volcanicity [Quiz]

35 Nappe fold and features of folding [Quiz]

36 Over fold and Recumbent fold
2 Min

37 Over fold and Recumbent fold [Quiz]

38 Ash and Cinder Cones & Composite Cones
3 Min

39 Ash and Cinder Cones & Composite Cones [Quiz]

40 Cynder cones and composite volcanoes
2 Min

41 Cynder cones and composite volcanoes [Quiz]

42 Tectonic forces
2 Min

43 Tectonic forces [Quiz]

44 types of folds
3 Min

45 types of folds [Quiz]

46 Extrusive features of volcanicity
3 Min

47 Extrusive features of volcanicity [Quiz]

48 Intrusive features of volcanicity
3 Min

1 Geography
5 Min


3 Our Planet: The Earth
5 Min


5 The earth: a planet moving in space
5 Min


7 The earth: A blue planet
5 Min


9 Relief on the continents of Earth
5 Min


1 The notion of the environment
5 Min


1 Natural Regions (bio- climatic zones) of Cameroon
5 Min


3 Forms of Degradation of the natural regions in Cameroon
5 Min


1 The Atmosphere
5 Min


3 Atmospheric Disturbances


5 Climate Change and consequences
5 Min


1 Tectonic Movements
5 Min


3 Consequences of the instability of the earth's crust
5 Min



Secondary Geography Tutor

Our secondary geography tutor plays a crucial role in cultivating students' geographic literacy, spatial awareness, critical thinking skills, and global citizenship, preparing them to understand and address the complex challenges facing our interconnected world.

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39 Students
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