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  • Secondary Geography Tutor image

    By - Secondary Geography Tutor

  • 2 students
  • 166 Hours 40 Min
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Course Requirements

 Form 4 Geography Course Description: This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various geographical concepts and their applications. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, students will develop critical thinking skills and analytical abilities to comprehend the complexities of the world around them. The course will cover topics such as physical geography, human geography, environmental issues, and geospatial analysis. Course Objectives: 1. To introduce students to the fundamental concepts and principles of geography. 2. To develop students' understanding of the physical processes shaping the Earth's surface. 3. To explore the interrelationships between humans and their environment. 4. To analyze the spatial patterns and distributions of various phenomena on Earth. 5. To foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills through the examination of real-world case studies

Course Description

 Form 4 Geography course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the world's physical and human geography. Through this course, students will explore various geographical concepts, including landforms, climate, population, and economic activities. They will develop skills in map reading, data analysis, and critical thinking, enabling them to analyze and interpret geographical information effectively. This course aims to foster a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of the world and the impact of human activities on the environment. By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in geography that will prepare them for further studies and real-world applications. Tone of Voice: Professional

Course Outcomes

Course Outline: FORM 4 GEOGRAPHY I. Introduction to Geography - Definition and scope of geography - Importance of studying geography - Basic concepts and tools in geography II. Physical Geography - Earth's structure and composition - Landforms and landscapes - Weather and climate - Natural hazards and disasters III. Human Geography - Population and migration - Cultural diversity and globalization - Urbanization and urban systems - Economic activities and development IV. Environmental Geography - Natural resources and their management - Environmental issues and sustainability - Conservation and preservation efforts - Climate change and its impacts V. Geographical Skills and Techniques - Map reading and interpretation - Data collection and analysis - Fieldwork techniques - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing VI. Case Studies - Case studies from different regions and countries - Examining real-world examples of geographical concepts - Analyzing the interactions between physical and human geography VII. Exam Preparation and Revision - Review of key concepts and topics - Practice exercises and past paper questions - Exam strategies and techniques VIII. Assessment - Regular quizzes and assignments - Mid-term and final examinations - Class participation and engagement Note: This course outline is subject to adjustments and modifications as deemed necessary by the instructor. Students are advised to refer to the official syllabus and consult with the instructor for any updates or changes.

Course Curriculum

  • 21 chapters
  • 67 lectures
  • 2 quizzes
  • 166 Hours 40 Min total length
Toggle all chapters
1 Economic Activities
5 Min



2 Energy Resources of Cameroon
5 Min

1 Energy and Power Resources
5 Min

1 Description of Vegetation on maps
5 Min

1 Management of Minerals Resources in Cameroon
5 Min

2 Management of Fish resources in Cameroon
5 Min

1 Management of Forest resources in Cameroon
5 Min

1 Mineral Resources & management
5 Min

2 Forest Resources &management
5 Min

1 Impact of agriculture on the economy of Cameroon
5 Min

2 Pastoral Agriculture in Cameroon:
5 Min

3 Arable Agriculture in Cameroon
5 Min

1 Spatial Patterns of agriculture: Von Thünen’s Model of Agricultural land use
5 Min

2 Problems of Tropical Agriculture
5 Min

1 Arable Agriculture in Cameroon:
5 Min

2 Pastoral Agriculture in Cameroon
5 Min

3 Impact of agriculture on the economy of Cameroon
5 Min

1 Intensive Agriculture (Arable Farming )
5 Min

2 Spatial Patterns of agriculture: Von Thünen’s Model of Agricultural land use
5 Min

3 Impact of Agriculture on the Environment
5 Min

4 The Green Revolution
5 Min

5 Impact of Agriculture on the agriculture
5 Min

6 Extensive Agriculture (Pastoral Farming )
5 Min

7 Extensive Agriculture (Arable Farming )
5 Min

8 Intensive Agriculture (Pastoral Farming)
5 Min

9 Agriculture
5 Min

1 Soil Conservation
5 Min

2 Soil Erosion
5 Min

3 Soil formation
5 Min

4 Soil characteristics
5 Min

5 Concept of the Soil
5 Min

1 Success Story of solving under- development
5 Min

2 Global Solution to poverty and Under- development
5 Min

3 Challenges of Development
5 Min

4 Rostow’s Model of Economic growth
5 Min

5 Classification of nations in terms of development levels
5 Min

1 Indicators of development and underdevelopment
5 Min

2 Development
5 Min

1 Interpreting Relief forms from maps
5 Min

2 Calculation of gradient& cross section drawing from maps
5 Min

3 Description of relief and sketching of relief areas from maps
5 Min

4 Description of Drainage on maps
5 Min

1 Basic Principles of map analysis
5 Min

2 conventional signs & symbols
5 Min

3 Gridlines and locational references
5 Min

4 Directions on maps
5 Min

5 Scales and Map Measurements
5 Min

6 Map copying, reduction and enlargement
5 Min

1 Relief
5 Min

2 Drainage
5 Min

3 climate
5 Min

4 Vegetation
5 Min

5 Soil
5 Min

1 Administrative Setup
5 Min

2 Situation of Cameroon
5 Min

1 Boreal (Taiga) Biome
5 Min

2 Steppe Biome
5 Min

3 Mediterranean Biome
5 Min

1 Tropical Rainforest (Selvas) Biome
5 Min

2 Tropical dry (Hot deserts) Biome
5 Min

3 Tropical Monsoon Biome
5 Min

4 Tropical Wet and dry (Savannah) Biome
5 Min

1 Material cycling
5 Min

2 Functioning of ecosystems:
5 Min

3 The Ecosystem
5 Min


Secondary Geography Tutor

Our secondary geography tutor plays a crucial role in cultivating students' geographic literacy, spatial awareness, critical thinking skills, and global citizenship, preparing them to understand and address the complex challenges facing our interconnected world.

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39 Students
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