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Course / Course Details

Form 4 French

  • Secondary French Tutor image

    By - Secondary French Tutor

  • 5 students
  • 166 Hours 40 Min
  • (0)

Course Requirements

 FORM 4 FRENCH Course Title: French Language (Form 4) Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the French language at the Form 4 level. It aims to enhance their proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, while also developing their cultural awareness and appreciation for the French-speaking world. Course Objectives: 1. Develop Proficiency: The course aims to help students develop proficiency in the French language by improving their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Through various interactive activities and exercises, students will be able to communicate effectively in French, both orally and in written form. 2. Cultural Awareness: Alongside language skills, this course seeks to foster cultural awareness and appreciation for the French-speaking world. Students will explore the rich cultural heritage of French-speaking countries, including their customs, traditions, literature, and arts. 3. Grammar and Vocabulary: The course will focus on strengthening students' understanding and usage of French grammar and vocabulary. Through systematic lessons and practice exercises, students will gain a solid foundation in grammatical structures and expand their vocabulary repertoire. 4. Listening and Speaking Skills: Emphasis will be placed on improving students' listening and speaking skills through a variety of activities, such as dialogues, role-plays, and audiovisual materials. Students will develop their ability to comprehend spoken French and express themselves fluently and accurately. 5. Reading and Writing Skills: This course will enhance students' reading and writing skills in French. They will engage with a range of authentic texts, such as articles, short stories, and poems, to improve their reading comprehension. Additionally, students will practice writing in different formats, including essays, letters, and narratives, to enhance their written expression. Assessment Methods: - Regular quizzes and tests to assess language proficiency and grammar knowledge. - Oral presentations and conversations to evaluate speaking skills. - Reading comprehension exercises and written assignments to assess reading and writing abilities. - Participation in class discussions and group activities to gauge overall engagement and understanding. Prerequisites: Completion of French Language (Form 3) or equivalent proficiency level. Note: It is recommended that students have access to relevant textbooks, online resources, and a language laboratory to support their learning and practice outside the classroom. Tone of Voice: Professional

Course Description

 FORM 4 FRENCH course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the French language at the intermediate level. Through a combination of interactive lessons, engaging activities, and practical exercises, students will enhance their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French. This course covers a range of topics including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural aspects of the French-speaking world. Students will learn to communicate effectively in various real-life situations, expand their vocabulary, and develop a deeper understanding of French grammar rules. With a professional and structured approach, our experienced instructors will guide students through the course materials, ensuring a solid foundation in the French language. By the end of this course, students will have gained the necessary skills to express themselves confidently in French and will be well-prepared for further studies or practical use of the language. Enroll in our FORM 4 FRENCH course today and embark on a rewarding journey towards fluency in the French language.

Course Outcomes

 FORM 4 FRENCH Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the French language at the Form 4 level. It aims to develop students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French, while also enhancing their cultural knowledge and understanding of the Francophone world. Through various interactive activities, students will be able to communicate effectively in French and gain confidence in using the language. Course Objectives: - Develop listening skills to comprehend spoken French in various contexts. - Enhance speaking skills to communicate fluently and accurately in French. - Improve reading skills to understand different types of written texts in French. - Enhance writing skills to express ideas and opinions effectively in French. - Expand vocabulary and grammar knowledge to support communication in French. - Develop cultural awareness and understanding of the Francophone world. - Foster critical thinking skills through analysis and interpretation of French texts. - Promote independent learning and self-expression in French. Course Content: 1. Listening Skills: - Understanding spoken French in different situations and contexts. - Identifying key information and main ideas from audio materials. - Practicing listening comprehension through dialogues, interviews, and recordings. 2. Speaking Skills: - Engaging in conversations and discussions in French. - Developing pronunciation and intonation in French. - Participating in role-plays, debates, and presentations in French. 3. Reading Skills: - Comprehending written texts in French, including articles, stories, and reports. - Identifying main ideas, supporting details, and inferred meanings. - Expanding vocabulary through reading and context analysis. 4. Writing Skills: - Expressing ideas and opinions in written form in French.

Course Curriculum

  • 40 chapters
  • 100 lectures
  • 0 quizzes
  • 166 Hours 40 Min total length
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1 Le passé antérieur
5 Min

1 Les sons /u/ et /y/.
5 Min

1 Mots et expressions liés au TIC (infographie, l’édition, reprographie, courriel, etc.).
5 Min

1 Passages sur les avantages et/ou les inconvénients des TIC.
5 Min

1 Techniques de narration (suite) : le paragraphe et son organisation
5 Min

1 Initiation à la traduction
5 Min

2 . Initiation à la narration
5 Min

3 Initiat---ion à la description
5 Min

4 Repérage et analyse des notions étudiées
5 Min

1 leur, l’heure, leurs, leurre - Les sons /œ/ et /ø/.  sœur  cœur  beurre  jeu  peu  neveu.
5 Min

2 Les homophones
5 Min

1 Initiation à la description
5 Min

2 Lexique du négoce (suite).
5 Min

3 Les métiers de pointe (l’aéronautique, les finances, la médecine, etc.)
5 Min

4 Les monnaies et devises.
5 Min

5 Les homophones  dont, donc, don
5 Min

6 - Le futur antérieur
5 Min

7 - Le futur simple
5 Min

8 Adverbes (lieu et temps)
5 Min

9 Adjectifs numéraux cardinaux
5 Min

10 Les groupes indéfinis.
5 Min

11 Initiation à la traduction
5 Min

12 Initiation à l’argumentation
5 Min

13 Initiation à la narration
5 Min

14 Lexique de la hiérarchie du travail
5 Min

15 Repérage et analyse des notions étudiées.
5 Min

16 - Le contraste passé composé /imparfait dans un récit.
5 Min

17 Techniques de narration : Enchainement logique d’événement (suite)
5 Min

18 Passages sur le civisme, la morale et l’éducation.
5 Min

19 Passages sur la citoyenneté
5 Min

20 - Discours, débats, compte-rendu sur des actes d’incivisme
5 Min

21 Les fléaux sociaux (tribalisme, drogue, prostitution, corruption, trafic d’enfants)
5 Min

22 Les sports de haut niveau (le professionnalisme), brassages internationaux).
5 Min

23 l’hymne national (chant).
5 Min

24 Les homophones  on, ont - Les sons /œj/ et /ej/  œil  seuil  soleil  bouteille.
5 Min

25 Les homophones  on, ont
4 Min

26 - Phrase passive.
5 Min

27 Le plus-que-parfait.
5 Min

28 - Phrase active
5 Min

29 Pronoms possessifs complémen
5 Min

30 Initiation à la traduction
5 Min

31 Initiation à l’argumentation
5 Min

32 . Initiation à la narration
5 Min

33 Initiation à la description
5 Min

34 Repérage et analyse des notions étudiées
5 Min

35 Techniques de narration (suite) : le paragraphe et son organisation.
5 Min

36 - Passages sur l’économie et/ou les problèmes liés
5 Min

37 Donner son opinion sur divers métiers
5 Min

38 Débats, compte-rendu oral sur les activités économiques de son pays.
5 Min

39 Le conditionnel présent (formation et emploi)
5 Min

40 L’expression du futur : futur proche et futur simple (formation et emploi)
5 Min

41 L’imparfait
5 Min

42 Les pronoms indéfinis
5 Min

1 - Les liaisons
5 Min

2 Les doubles consonnes
5 Min

3 - (le C.O.D avant le verbe)
5 Min

4 L’accord du participe passé avec « avoir »
5 Min

5 L’accord sujet-verbe (suite)
5 Min

1 Les familles de mots
5 Min

2 Formation des mots : suffixes et préfixes
5 Min

3 - Vocabulaire relatif aux problèmes familiaux et sociaux : « divorce », « litiges » etc…
5 Min

1 Donner son opinion sur divers métiers du monde des TIC
5 Min

2 Débats, compte-rendu oral sur ce que l’on fait ou ce que les autres font en informatiques.
5 Min

3 Intervention (comme personnage) dans un sketch sur un problème social.
5 Min

4 Commentaire d’une image présentant une querelle conjugale.
5 Min

5 - Ecouter la lecture d’un texte présentant un problème familial et prendre la parole pour donner son opinion
5 Min

6 Chansons, récitations, dramatisation, jeux de rôles, dialogues, saynètes, sketches sur la famille et la société.
5 Min

1 - Passage(s) sur le mariage traditionnel / le mariage religieux / le mariage à l’état civil
5 Min

2 Passage(s) sur la monogamie/ la polygamie
5 Min

3 - Passages sur les problèmes familiaux.
5 Min

1 - Raconter une scène amusante
5 Min

2 Compte-rendu d’un problème familial
5 Min

1 Initiation à l’argumentation
5 Min

2 - Initiation à la description
5 Min

3 Savoirs méthodologiques.
5 Min

4 Initiation à la narration.
5 Min

5 Initiation à l’argumentation
5 Min

1 Le paragraphe descriptif.
5 Min

2 Les degrés de signification de l’adjectif qualificatif.
5 Min

3 - Les propositions.
5 Min

4 - Les pronoms relatif
5 Min

1 - Le conditionnel présent
5 Min

1 - La phrase composée : juxtaposition et coordination de propositions indépendantes.
5 Min

2 - L’emploi conjoint des pronoms C.O.D et C.O.I
5 Min

3 « lui », « leur », « y », « en ».
5 Min

4 Les pronoms personnels complément.
5 Min

1 Vocabulaire lié à la nutrition etaux maladies dues à la malnutrition
5 Min

2 Vocabulaire lié aux métiers de la santé (suite)
5 Min

3 - Vocabulaire lié aux parties du corps (suite)
5 Min

4 Vocabulaire lié à la protection de l’environnement (suite) exemple : les emballes dégradables.
5 Min

1 Se prononcer par rapport à la médicine traditionnelle et moderne.
5 Min

2 Exprimer son opinion sur les problèmes environnementaux (gestion de la poubelle dans nos villages et villes)
5 Min

1 - Passage(s) sur les épidémies.
5 Min

2 - Passages sur les catastrophes naturelles de son pays et dans le monde
5 Min

1 Techniques de la narration : l’introduction (le cadre et les personnages,) ; le corps du devoir (les événements et leur enchainement) ; la conclusion (le dénouement) *sujets sur l’envir
5 Min

1 Initiation à la traduction
5 Min

2 Initiation à l’argumentation
5 Min

3 Initiation à la narration.
5 Min

4 Initiation à la description
5 Min

5 Repérage et analyse des notions étudiées.
5 Min


Secondary French Tutor

Our secondary French tutor plays crucial role in helping students develop proficiency in the French language, both in terms of communication skills and cultural understanding. 

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