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Course / Course Details


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  • 3 students
  • 2 Hours
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Course Requirements

Completion of individual and group projects, including research papers, presentations, and demonstrations. 7. Class Conduct: Demonstration of professional behavior, respect for others, and active engagement in class activities. 8. Resources: Utilization of recommended textbooks, online resources, and supplementary materials to enhance understanding and knowledge. Assessment: 1. Continuous Assessment: Assignments, quizzes, tests, laboratory reports, and projects will contribute to the overall grade. 2. Final Examination: A comprehensive examination at the end of the course will assess students' understanding of the entire syllabus. Note: Failure to meet the course requirements or maintain satisfactory academic progress may result in a lower grade or exclusion from the course. We expect all students to approach this course with a professional attitude, demonstrating dedication, commitment, and a genuine interest in the subject matter. By fulfilling the course requirements and actively engaging in the learning process, students will be well-prepared to excel in their future academic and professional endeavors.

Course Description

 Completion of individual and group projects, including research papers, presentations, and demonstrations. 7. Class Conduct: Demonstration of professional behavior, respect for others, and active engagement in class activities. 8. Resources: Utilization of recommended textbooks, online resources, and supplementary materials to enhance understanding and knowledge. Assessment: 1. Continuous Assessment: Assignments, quizzes, tests, laboratory reports, and projects will contribute to the overall grade. 2. Final Examination: A comprehensive examination at the end of the course will assess students' understanding of the entire syllabus. Note: Failure to meet the course requirements or maintain satisfactory academic progress may result in a lower grade or exclusion from the course. We expect all students to approach this course with a professional attitude, demonstrating dedication, commitment, and a genuine interest in the subject matter. By fulfilling the course requirements and actively engaging in the learning process, students will be well-prepared to excel in their future academic and professional endeavors.

Course Outcomes

Introduction to Form 5 Physics A. Overview of the course objectives and goals B. Importance of studying Physics in Form 5 II. Mechanics A. Kinematics 1. Displacement, velocity, and acceleration 2. Projectile motion B. Dynamics 1. Newton's laws of motion 2. Forces and their effects C. Work, energy, and power 1. Work done and energy transfer 2. Conservation of energy III. Waves A. Properties of waves 1. Frequency, wavelength, and amplitude 2. Wave speed and wave equation B. Sound waves 1. Characteristics and behavior of sound waves 2. Doppler effect C. Light waves 1. Reflection and refraction 2. Interference and diffraction IV. Electricity and Magnetism A. Electric circuits 1. Ohm's law and resistance 2. Series and parallel circuits B. Electromagnetism 1. Magnetic fields and forces 2. Electromagnetic induction V. Modern Physics A. Quantum physics 1. Introduction to quantum mechanics 2. Wave-particle duality B. Nuclear physics 1. Radioactivity and nuclear reactions 2. Nuclear energy and its applications VI. Practical Work A. Laboratory experiments 1. Measurement and data analysis 2. Safety precautions and techniques B. Scientific investigations 1. Research projects and data collection 2. Analysis and interpretation of results VII. Assessment and Evaluation A. Formative assessments 1. Class quizzes and assignments 2. Group discussions and presentations B. Summative assessments 1. Midterm and final examinations 2. Practical assessments and reports VIII. Resources and References A. Textbooks and supplementary materials B. Online resources and educational websites Note: This course outline is subject to modification based on the curriculum requirements and the discretion of the instructor.

Course Curriculum

  • 22 chapters
  • 157 lectures
  • 35 quizzes
  • 2 Hours total length
Toggle all chapters
1 thermal energy
4 Min

2 Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
6 Min

3 Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
4 Min

4 electrical energy copy
4 Min

5 define density and state its units composition_3
7 Min

6 Atmospheric pressure
4 Min

7 Archemedes principle
4 Min

8 Pressure Liquids
3 Min

5 Min

1 Inertia of motion.
5 Min

Inertia of motion.

2 Inertia of motion [Quiz]

3 What is a magnet
4 Min

What is a magnet

4 What is a mgnet [Quiz]

5 Name Some Types of Magnets
5 Min

6 Magnetic Properties of a Dipole Magnet
5 Min

7 How is a Magnet Different From a non-Magnet
5 Min

8 State the Difference Between the Magnetic Properties of iron and Steel.
5 Min

9 Appreciate that Magnetic Poles Exist in Pairs
5 Min

10 State the Laws of Magnetism
5 Min

11 List the Uses of Magnets
5 Min

4 Min


4 Min


14 Differences between mass and weight
4 Min

Differences between mass and weight

15 Differences between mass and weight [Quiz]









1 Define Field Lines and Magnetic Flux.
5 Min


3 Set up Various Patterns for Magnetic flux Around a single Permanent Magnet and also two Permanent Magnets placed side by Side.
5 Min


5 Know the Properties of Magnetic Field Lines.
5 Min




4 Min



11 What is a magnet
4 Min

What is a magnet

12 What is a magnet [Quiz]




4 Understand the Magnetic Effects of a Steady Current
5 Min

5 Use the compass to Identify that Magnetic Fields are Produced When Current Flows in a Conductor
5 Min

1 Appreciate that There is a Force on a Current – Carrying Conductor Placed in a Magnetic Field as Long as the Conductor is not Parallel to the Field
5 Min


3 Appreciate that There is a Force on a Charged Particle When it Moves in a Magnetic Field as Long as the Particle
5 Min


5 Understand that the Force on a Current–Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field Increases with the Strength of the Field and With the Current
5 Min



8 Sketch and Recognize the Magnetic flux Patterns for a Straight wire Carrying a Current Perpendicular to the Plane of a Magnetic Field
5 Min

1 What is Electromagnetic Induction?
5 Min



4 State lenz’s Law.
5 Min

5 State Faraday’s law.
5 Min

6 Describe the Construction of Electromagnets
5 Min

7 State the uses of Electromagnets
5 Min

8 List the Factors that Affect Induced Current in Conductor Placed in a Changing Magnetic Field.
5 Min

1 Describe Experiments to Demonstrate that induced Current Increases When the Rate of Change of Magnetic Field Lines Increases
5 Min

2 Understand how Voltage and Current Vary with Time
5 Min

3 Understand the Production of Induced e.m.f
5 Min

4 Appreciate Electromagnetic Induction as an energy Transfer Process.
5 Min

5 Understand how Voltage and Current vary With time
5 Min

6 Understand the Production of Induced e.m.f
5 Min

7 Appreciate Electromagnetic Induction as an Energy Transfer Process
5 Min

8 Understand the Concept of Mutual and self Induction
5 Min

9 Be Familiar with the Structure and Functioning of the Transformer
5 Min

10 Appreciate the Factors that Affect the Efficiency of a Transformer
5 Min

11 Appreciate the Factors that Affect the Efficiency of a Transformer
5 Min

12 Relate the Turns ratio of an ideal Transformer to the Ratio of the Input to Output Voltages
5 Min

13 Differentiate Between Direct current and Alternating Current.
5 Min

1 The Atom Identify an Electron as one of the Basic Components of an Atom
8 Min

2 Understand the nature of the Electron. Define an Electron. Recognize that the Electron Carries the Basic Quantity of Charge, Q = N
5 Min

3 Understand the Relative mass of the Electron
5 Min

4 Relative Charges of Electrons and Nucleons
5 Min

1 Structure of the Atom and the Nucleus
5 Min

2 Relative Sizes and Masses of the Nucleus and Atom
5 Min

3 Bohr Model of the Atom.
5 Min

4 -State Nucleus as Containing Protons and Neutrons
5 Min

5 Be Familiar with Nucleon Number / Proton Number
5 Min

6 State and use A = Z + N
5 Min

1 Define Radioactivity
5 Min

2 Know that Radioactivity can be Natural as well as Artificial
5 Min

3 Distinguish Between Natural and Artificial Radioactivity
5 Min

4 Understand Some Nuclei emit Particles Such as α, β and γ
5 Min

1 Define Scalar and Vector Quantities. Give Examples in Each Case
5 Min

2 Understand how to use, denote, and Express (through diagrammatic and algebraic representation) Scalar and Vector Quantities
5 Min

3 Do Calculations Involving, Addition, Subtraction and Resolution of Vectors in 2 Dimensions only. Understand Vector Diagrams
5 Min

1 Define Force and State its Units
5 Min

2 Define Contact and non-Contact Forces Giving Examples
5 Min

3 Appreciate the Importance of Force in Everyday life Situations
5 Min

4 Describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Effect of force
5 Min

5 Draw free body Diagrams. Solve Problems Involving Addition and Subtraction of forces. Resolve a force into two
5 Min

6 Perpendicular Parts. Force due to Gravity, g and its Variation over the Earth’s Surface
5 Min

7 Calculate Weight W = mg. Differentiate Between Mass and Weight
5 Min

8 Relate Drag Force with Velocity.
5 Min

1 State Newton’s Laws
5 Min

2 Describe Demonstrations to Explain the Law
5 Min

3 Appreciate Life Situations Such as Seat belt, Movement of Rockets, Sports, air-Bags, etc
5 Min

4 Min


1 Define Force and Momentum and Show how the Two are Related from Newton’s Second Law
5 Min

2 State the Units of Force and Momentum
5 Min

3 Treat Force as a Vector Quantity. Show the F = ma
5 Min

4 Calculations on F = Ma and Momentum
5 Min

5 Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
6 Min

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

6 Balanced and Unbalanced Forces [Quiz]

7 Measurement in Physics
3 Min

Measurement in Physics

8 Measurement in Physics [Quiz]

1 Define Moment and Couple.
5 Min

2 Describe Simple Experiments on Moment and Couples
5 Min

3 Do Calculations on Coplanar Forces
5 Min

4 Name and Describe Everyday Situations Where Torques and Couples are used. e.g Opening of tap, Handle Bars of a Bicycle Moving Coil Galvanometer Simple Motor .The lever and gear system
5 Min

1 State Conditions for Static and Dynamic Equilibrium.
5 Min

1 Define Distance, Displacement, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration and State their Units
5 Min

2 Describe Experiments to Measure Velocity and Acceleration
5 Min

3 Apply Knowledge of Concepts in Everyday Situations like Sports and Moving Object
5 Min

4 Draw Distance, Displacement –time Graphs. Use the Graphs to Obtain Speed and Velocity
5 Min

5 Draw Velocity–time Graphs. Use the Graph to Determine; acceleration, initial speed, total distance.
5 Min

6 Study Graph for Constant Velocity and Uniform Acceleration
5 Min

7 Use the Equations of Motion.
5 Min

8 Describe Experiments to Measure Acceleration of Free fall, g .
5 Min

9 Do Calculations Using the Equations of Motion
5 Min

1 Define Linear Momentum
5 Min

2 Do Calculations on p = Mv .
5 Min

3 State the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum
5 Min

4 Describe Experiments to Demonstrate the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum.
5 Min

5 Describe real life situations where the principle is applied, e.g collisions, explosions, water jets, etc
5 Min

6 Do Appropriate Calculations Where Mass is Constant.
5 Min

1 Preservation and Maintenance of Appliances.
5 Min

2 . Definition of Maintenance.
5 Min

3 Essential Element s in a Repair box. (give the name, role and method of application)
5 Min

4 Understand the abelling on appliances.
5 Min

5 Techniques of Dismantling and Assembling of Appliances
5 Min

6 Technique FOLI (Dismantling)First out last in
5 Min

7 Technique LIFO (Assembling) Last in First Out
5 Min

8 Applications: Radios, Computers. Tester, Screw-drivers, Soldering Iron.
5 Min

3 Min


2 IMPULSE [Quiz]

3 Equations of Motion
5 Min

Equations of Motion

4 Equations of Motion [Quiz]

5 Inertia of motion.
4 Min

Inertia of motion.

6 Inertia of motion. [Quiz]

7 Physical Quantities OL
3 Min

Physical Quantities OL

8 Physical Quantities OL [Quiz]

9 Introduction to mechanics

Introduction to mechanics

10 Introduction to mechanics [Quiz]

11 Differences between mass and weight
4 Min

Differences between mass and weight

12 Differences between mass and weight [Quiz]

1 Physical Quantities OL
3 Min

Physical Quantities OL

1 Introduction to mechanics
4 Min

Introduction to mechanics


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