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  • 2 Hours
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Course Requirements

 les exigences du cours peuvent inclure l'étude des compétences avancées en langue anglaise telles que la grammaire, le vocabulaire, la compréhension de lecture, l'écriture et l'expression orale. Le cours peut également couvrir la littérature, la culture et l'histoire des pays anglophones. De plus, les élèves peuvent être tenus de réaliser des projets, des présentations et des examens pour démontrer leur maîtrise de la langue. Les exigences spécifiques peuvent varier en fonction de l'école ou de l'institution éducative.

Course Description

Les cours de 3ème Anglais peut varier en fonction de l'établissement scolaire, mais en général, ce cours vise à approfondir les compétences linguistiques des élèves dans la langue anglaise. Les élèves peuvent étudier la grammaire avancée, le vocabulaire, la compréhension écrite et orale, ainsi que la production écrite et orale. Le cours peut également inclure l'étude de la littérature anglaise, de la culture anglophone et de l'histoire des pays anglophones. Les élèves peuvent être amenés à participer à des discussions, des projets de groupe, des présentations et des examens pour évaluer leur niveau de compétence en anglais.

Course Outcomes

  1. Maîtrise avancée de la grammaire anglaise
  2. Vaste vocabulaire anglais
  3. Capacité à comprendre des textes écrits complexes en anglais
  4. Compétences en expression orale pour des conversations et des présentations
  5. Compétences en rédaction pour produire des textes clairs et cohérents en anglais
  6. Connaissance approfondie de la littérature, de la culture et de l'histoire des pays anglophones
  7. Capacité à interagir de manière efficace en anglais dans divers contextes
  8. Préparation adéquate pour des études supérieures ou pour une utilisation professionnelle de l'anglais

Course Curriculum

  • 9 chapters
  • 50 lectures
  • 15 quizzes
  • 2 Hours total length
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1 Read the vocabulary dictionary entries and answer the questions.
5 Min

Read the vocabulary dictionary entries and answer the questions.

2 Read the vocabulary dictionary entries and answer the questions. [Quiz]

3 Define pronouns, list examples and use the in sentences.
5 Min

Define pronouns, list examples and use the in sentences.

4 Define pronouns, list examples and use the in sentences. [Quiz]

5 Match vocabulary words to form expressions and choose one expression and explain it.
5 Min

Match vocabulary words to form expressions and choose one expression and explain it.

6 Match vocabulary words to form expressions and choose one expression and explain it. [Quiz]

7 Define ellipsis and identify ellipses in passage and do the grammar activity 10.
5 Min

Define ellipsis and identify ellipses in passage and do the grammar activity 10.

8 Define ellipsis and identify ellipses in passage and do the grammar activity 10. [Quiz]

1 Complete the speech work table and match the vocabulary words to their definitions.
5 Min

Complete the speech work table and match the vocabulary words to their definitions.

2 Observe and discuss the pictures on page27, read the national anthem and answer the questions.
5 Min

Observe and discuss the pictures on page27, read the national anthem and answer the questions.

3 Observe and discuss the pictures on page27, read the national anthem and answer the questions. [Quiz]

4 Sing the national anthem and compare with the French anthems.
5 Min

Sing the national anthem and compare with the French anthems.

5 Sing the national anthem and compare with the French anthems. [Quiz]

6 Complete the speech work table and match the vocabulary words to their definitions. [Quiz]

7 Read the passage on the national symbols of Cameroon and answer the question.
5 Min

Read the passage on the national symbols of Cameroon and answer the question.

8 Read the passage on the national symbols of Cameroon and answer the question. [Quiz]

1 Rewrite the grammar sentences using the correct form of verb in bracket.
5 Min

Rewrite the grammar sentences using the correct form of verb in bracket.

2 Rewrite the grammar sentences using the correct form of verb in bracket. [Quiz]

3 Match the vocabulary activity words to their meaning.
5 Min

Match the vocabulary activity words to their meaning.

4 Match the vocabulary activity words to their meaning. [Quiz]

5 Identify words use in relating ideas and use them in sentences.
5 Min

Identify words use in relating ideas and use them in sentences.

6 Identify words use in relating ideas and use them in sentences. [Quiz]

7 Use the words in the box on the writing activity to complete the passage about Cameroon culture.
5 Min

Use the words in the box on the writing activity to complete the passage about Cameroon culture.

8 Use the words in the box on the writing activity to complete the passage about Cameroon culture. [Quiz]

9 The use of present continuous tense and conjugation of some verbs. [Quiz]

10 Observe the Cameroon map and discuss the questions that follow.
5 Min

Observe the Cameroon map and discuss the questions that follow.

11 Observe the Cameroon map and discuss the questions that follow. [Quiz]

12 The use of the present simple tense and conjugation of some verbs.
5 Min

The use of the present simple tense and conjugation of some verbs.

13 The use of the present simple tense and conjugation of some verbs. [Quiz]

14 The use of present continuous tense and conjugation of some verbs.
5 Min

The use of present continuous tense and conjugation of some verbs.

1 Interacting orally about national integration and diversity acceptance .
5 Min

2 Reading informative , expressive , and aesthetic texts about national integration and diversity acceptance to decode meaning .
5 Min

3 Writing expressive , informative and aesthetic texts related to national integration and diversity acceptance .
5 Min

4 Listening to informative texts to talk about national integration and diversity acceptance .
5 Min

1 Listening to informative , descriptive texts about consumption habits and how they impact economic and social life .
5 Min

2 Communicating about consumption habits and how they impact economic and social life .
5 Min

3 Reading informative ,descriptive , expressive , and aesthetic texts about consumption

4 Writing expressive, descriptive ,informative and aesthetic texts related to consumption habits and how they impact economic and social life .
5 Min

1 Listening to informative texts about climate change and also about maintaining hygiene and sanitation
5 Min

2 Communicating orally to talk about climate change and also about maintaining hygiene and sanitation .
5 Min

3 Reading informative , descriptive , expressive , and aesthetic texts about climate change and also about maintaining hygiene and sanitation to decode meaning
5 Min

4 Writing expressive , informative and aesthetic texts related to climate change and also about maintaining hygiene and sanitation .
5 Min

1 Communicating orally about the quest for excellence , gender issues , and democracy .
5 Min

2 Listening to informative texts about quest for excellence , gender issues ,and democracy .
5 Min

3 Reading informative , descriptive ,expressive , and aesthetic texts about the quest for excellence , gender issues ,and democracy to decode meaning .
5 Min

4 Writing expressive, informative and aesthetic texts related to the quest for excellence , gender issues ,and democracy to decode meaning ..
5 Min

1 Listening to informative texts about modern technology .
5 Min

2 Communicating orally about modern technology .
5 Min

3 Reading informative , descriptive , expressive , and aesthetic texts about modern technology to decode meaning .
5 Min

4 Writing expressive, descriptive, informative and aesthetic texts related to modern technology .
5 Min


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