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Uppersixth Arts


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Course Requirements

UPPER-SIXTH FRENCH course is designed to provide advanced level instruction in the French language and culture, catering to students in their final year of high school or equivalent. This course aims to enhance students' proficiency in all language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, while deepening their understanding of French culture, literature, and society. Course Objectives: 1. Develop Advanced Language Skills: Through a variety of interactive activities, discussions, and assignments, students will refine their French language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and fluency. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing their ability to express themselves accurately and effectively in both formal and informal contexts. 2. Expand Cultural Knowledge: Students will explore various aspects of French culture, such as history, traditions, art, music, and cuisine. They will gain a deeper understanding of the Francophone world, including the diversity of French-speaking countries and their contributions to global society. 3. Analyze Literary Texts: By studying selected works of French literature, students will develop critical thinking skills and deepen their appreciation for the literary heritage of the French language. They will analyze themes, characters, and narrative techniques, fostering a greater understanding of the cultural and historical contexts in which these works were created. 4. Enhance Listening and Speaking Skills: Through engaging listening exercises, authentic audio materials, and interactive discussions, students will improve their ability to comprehend spoken French and express themselves fluently and confidently. They will practice various forms of oral communication, including debates, presentations, and role-plays.

Course Description

Upper-Sixth French course! Designed for students in their final year of high school, this advanced-level program offers an immersive learning experience to enhance your French language skills. Through a comprehensive curriculum, our professional instructors will guide you in refining your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, while also focusing on advanced reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises. Immerse yourself in authentic French literature, films, and cultural discussions to deepen your understanding of the language and its rich heritage. With a strong emphasis on communicative competence, our Upper-Sixth French course aims to prepare you for higher education or professional endeavors where proficiency in French is highly valued. By the end of this course, you will have the confidence and skills to engage in complex conversations, express your ideas fluently, and comprehend advanced French texts. Join us on this educational journey and unlock the doors to a world of opportunities with our Upper-Sixth French course. Enroll today and take your French language proficiency to the next level!

Course Outcomes

UPPER-SIXTH FRENCH Course Outline Course Title: UPPER-SIXTH FRENCH Course Overview: The UPPER-SIXTH FRENCH course is designed to provide advanced level French language skills to students in their final year of secondary education. This course aims to enhance students' proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French, while also deepening their understanding of French culture, literature, and society. Through a variety of engaging activities, discussions, and assessments, students will develop their language skills and broaden their knowledge of the French-speaking world. Course Objectives: 1. Develop advanced listening and speaking skills in French through interactive activities, role-plays, and discussions. 2. Enhance reading comprehension skills by analyzing authentic French texts, including literary works, articles, and news reports. 3. Improve writing skills in French through various writing tasks, such as essays, reports, and creative pieces. 4. Expand vocabulary and grammar knowledge to express complex ideas and opinions accurately. 5. Deepen cultural understanding of the French-speaking world through the exploration of literature, history, art, and current affairs. 6. Prepare students for higher education or professional opportunities requiring advanced proficiency in French. Course Structure: Module 1: Advanced Listening and Speaking Skills - Engaging in conversations, debates, and presentations on various topics - Developing effective listening strategies to comprehend native speakers - Practicing pronunciation and intonation for fluency Module 2: Reading Comprehension and Analysis - Analyzing and interpreting authentic French texts, including literary works, articles, and academic papers - Expanding vocabulary through reading exercises - Developing critical thinking skills through text-based discussions Module 3: Writing Proficiency - Crafting well-structured essays, reports, and argumentative pieces in French - Enhancing grammar and syntax knowledge for accurate written expression - Incorporating advanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions Module 4: Cultural Studies - Exploring French literature, art, cinema, and music - Investigating historical events and their impact on French society - Examining contemporary issues and debates in French-speaking countries Assessment Methods: - Regular quizzes and tests to assess language proficiency and comprehension - Oral presentations and debates to evaluate speaking skills

Course Curriculum

1 Lecture de passages portant sur les problèmes familiaux et sociaux (vie politique, religieuse, délinquance juvénile, la famille et son importance, le divorce et ses dégâts, conflits de
5 Min

2 Lecture de passages portant sur le terrorisme international et sur les problèmes de genre.
5 Min

3 Exploitation de passages portant sur l’environnement (exploitation forestière, déforestation, pollution, création des associations pour la protection de l’environnement, etc.) et la sa
5 Min

4 Passages sur le racisme et l’exclusion
5 Min

5 Passages sur les migrations
5 Min

6 Etude des textes liés à la citoyenneté et aux relations internationales
5 Min

7 Exploitation des passages sur le tourisme
5 Min

8 Passages sur l’économie et le commerce international
5 Min

9 passages portant sur les problèmes liés au travail (chômage, licenciement, etc.)
5 Min

10 Exploitation de passages sur les avantages et les inconvénients des TIC et des média
5 Min

1 Lexique lié aux thèmes choisis
5 Min

2 formation des mots: la composition.
5 Min

3 Lexique lié aux thèmes choisis 2
5 Min

4 formation des mots: la dérivation
5 Min

5 Lexique lié aux thèmes choisis. 3
5 Min

6 formation des mots: l’affixation.
5 Min

7 Synonymie, antonymie, paronymie et emprunts.
5 Min

8 Lexique lié aux thèmes choisis dans le module
5 Min

9 Les emprunts.
5 Min

1 Révision sommaire des parties du discours
5 Min

2 phrase minimale et phrase étendue
5 Min

3 expansions du verbe (adverbes et compléments circonstanciels, etc.)
5 Min

4 Phrase verbale et phrase nominale.
5 Min

5 Phrase simple et phrase composée.
5 Min

6 Les connecteurs logiques
5 Min

7 Les groupes compléments circonstanciels
5 Min

8 Les propositions subordonnées compléments circonstanciels (temps, lieu, etc.).
5 Min

9 La phrase complexe : la subordination conjonctive (la complétive, l’expression du doute, de la conséquence, etc.)
5 Min

1 Temps simples et temps composés de l’indicati
5 Min

2 Le mode conditionnel (temps, formation et emploi, passé et présent).
5 Min

3 Le mode subjonctif (temps, formation et emploi).
5 Min

4 Le mode subjonctif (suite)
5 Min

5 Le mode infinitif et les transformations infinitives
5 Min

6 La concordance des temps.
5 Min

1 L’accord des noms composés
5 Min

2 accord du participe passé employé avec être : cas particuliers.
5 Min

3 Accord du participe passé avec Avoir.
5 Min

4 Les accords grammaticaux (révision).
5 Min

5 Participe passé des verbes pronominaux
5 Min

1 de la phrase au paragraphe.
5 Min

2 Les stratégies argumentatives : donner une opinion et la défendre.
5 Min

3 Les stratégies argumentatives : étayer et démontrer.
5 Min

4 Entretien d’embauche
5 Min

5 Lettre formelle.
5 Min

6 Les stratégies argumentatives : justifier, concéder, persuader ou dissuader
5 Min

1 Traduction de textes liés au module. 1
5 Min

2 Traduction de textes liés au module. 2
5 Min

3 Traduction de textes liés au module. 3
5 Min

4 Traduction de textes liés au module 4
5 Min

5 Traduction de textes liés au module. 5
5 Min

1 analyser un sujet et élaborer un plan de développement (insister sur les travaux pratiques).
5 Min

2 rédiger une introduction
5 Min

3 rédiger une conclusion.
5 Min

4 rédiger un paragraphe.
5 Min

5 mise en forme d’une rédaction complète.
5 Min

6 suite et fin
5 Min


High School French Tutor

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8 Students
8 Courses

Our high school French tutor plays a crucial role in helping students develop proficiency in the French language, deepen their understanding of French culture, and prepare for exams or future studies in French.

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upper sixth French


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