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Uppersixth Arts


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Course Requirements

UPPER-SIXTH GEOGRAPHY course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of advanced geographical concepts and their application in real-world scenarios. This course will foster critical thinking, analytical skills, and an appreciation for the interconnectedness of the global environment. Students will explore a range of geographical topics, including physical geography, human geography, and environmental issues, to develop a well-rounded understanding of the discipline. Course Objectives: 1. To develop a deep understanding of advanced geographical concepts and theories. 2. To analyze and interpret geographical data using appropriate methods and techniques. 3. To explore the interrelationships between physical and human geography. 4. To investigate the impact of human activities on the environment and develop strategies for sustainable development. 5. To enhance critical thinking skills through the evaluation and synthesis of geographical information.

Course Description

Upper-Sixth Geography is a comprehensive course designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of key geographical concepts and processes at an advanced level. This course builds upon the knowledge gained in previous years and focuses on developing critical thinking, research skills, and analytical abilities. Through a combination of theoretical study, practical fieldwork, and data analysis, students will explore a wide range of topics including global environmental issues, population dynamics, urbanization, economic development, and sustainable resource management. By the end of this course, students will have a solid foundation in advanced geography and will be well-prepared for further studies or careers in fields such as environmental science, urban planning, international development, or geographical research. Join us in Upper-Sixth Geography and embark on a journey of intellectual growth and exploration in the fascinating world of geography.

Course Outcomes

Course Title: Upper-Sixth Geography Course Outline: I. Introduction to Upper-Sixth Geography A. Overview of the course objectives and expectations B. Introduction to the field of geography and its relevance in today's world C. Discussion on the importance of geographical knowledge and skills for upper-sixth students II. Physical Geography A. Study of Earth's physical features, including landforms, climate patterns, and natural resources B. Exploration of major physical processes, such as tectonic activity, weathering, erosion, and plate tectonics C. Examination of different ecosystems and biomes, their characteristics, and ecological interactions III. Human Geography A. Analysis of human population distribution, migration patterns, and demographic trends B. Investigation of urbanization, urban geography, and the challenges associated with rapid urban growth C. Study of cultural geography, including language, religion, ethnicity, and their impact on societies IV. Geographical Skills and Techniques A. Development of essential geographical skills, such as map reading, data interpretation, and spatial analysis B. Utilization of geospatial technologies, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing C. Fieldwork and practical exercises to enhance students' ability to collect and analyze geographical data V. Environmental Issues and Sustainability A. Exploration of global environmental challenges, such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution B. Examination of sustainable development strategies and their implementation at local, national, and global levels C. Discussion on the role of geography in understanding and addressing environmental issues VI. Case Studies A. Analysis of specific case studies from different regions of the world to apply geographical concepts and theories B. Examination of real-world examples to understand the interplay between physical and human geography C. Critical evaluation of the impact of geographical factors on social, economic, and environmental issues VII. Revision and Exam Preparation A. Review of key concepts, theories, and case studies covered throughout the course B. Practice exercises and mock exams to prepare students for the final examination C. Guidance on effective exam strategies and time management techniques Please note that this course outline is subject to modification based on the specific curriculum requirements and the availability of resources.

Course Curriculum

1 Meaning and scope of environmental issues
5 Min

2 Meaning and scope of environmental issues [Quiz]

3 Notion of climate change and variability
5 Min

4 Notion of climate change and variability [Quiz]

5 Evidence of Past climatic change
5 Min

6 Evidence of Past climatic change [Quiz]

7 Causes of climate change -External causes 1
5 Min

8 Causes of climate change -External causes 1 [Quiz]

9 Causes of climate change -External causes 2
5 Min

10 Causes of climate change -External causes 2 [Quiz]

11 Causes of climate change – Internal causes 1
5 Min

12 Causes of climate change – Internal causes 1 [Quiz]

13 Causes of climate change – Internal causes 2
5 Min

14 Causes of climate change – Internal causes 2 [Quiz]

15 Recent climate change: Global warming
5 Min

16 Recent climate change: Global warming [Quiz]

17 Causes of Global warming 1
5 Min

18 Causes of Global warming 1 [Quiz]

19 Causes of Global warming 2
5 Min

20 Causes of Global warming 2 [Quiz]

21 Deforestation & Desertification
5 Min

22 Pollution
5 Min

23 Soil Erosion
5 Min

1 Meaning of the soil
5 Min

2 Meaning of the soil [Quiz]

3 Components of the soil 1
5 Min

4 Components of the soil 1 [Quiz]

5 Components of the soil 2
2 Min

6 Components of the soil 2 [Quiz]

7 Soil as a system 1
5 Min

8 Soil as a system 1 [Quiz]

9 Soil as a system 2
5 Min

10 Soil as a system 2 [Quiz]

11 Soil characteristics or properties 1
5 Min

12 Soil characteristics or properties 1 [Quiz]

13 Soil characteristics or properties 2
5 Min

14 Soil characteristics or properties 2 [Quiz]

15 Factors affecting soil fertility 1
5 Min

16 Factors affecting soil fertility 1 [Quiz]

17 Factors affecting soil fertility 2
5 Min

18 Factors affecting soil fertility 2 [Quiz]

19 Stages in soil formation
5 Min

20 Stages in soil formation [Quiz]

1 Introduction and classification
5 Min

2 Introduction and classification [Quiz]

3 Sectors of employment 1
5 Min

4 Sectors of employment 1 [Quiz]

5 Sectors of employment 2
5 Min

6 Sectors of employment 2 [Quiz]

7 Sectors of employment 3
5 Min

8 Sectors of employment 3 [Quiz]

9 Economics systems 1
5 Min

10 Economics systems 1 [Quiz]

11 Economic systems 2
5 Min

12 Economic systems 2 [Quiz]

13 Economic activities and man
5 Min

14 Economic activities and man [Quiz]

15 Factors affecting the percentage of people in active population 1 -Demographic
5 Min

16 Factors affecting the percentage of people in active population 1 -Demographic [Quiz]

17 Factors affecting the percentage of people in active population 3- Economic
5 Min

18 Factors affecting the percentage of people in active population 3- Economic [Quiz]

19 Natural Resources
5 Min

20 Natural Resources [Quiz]

1 Theories
5 Min

1 Notion of Carrying Capacity
5 Min

2 Concepts of population and resources
5 Min

1 Sources of Population Data
5 Min

1 Changes in size, form, function of rural settlements + Resultant problems and planning.
5 Min

2 Urban Fringes
5 Min

1 Immediate physical environment
5 Min

1 Settlement Distribution
5 Min

1 Rural Settlement
5 Min

2 Settlement Morphology
5 Min

1 Settlement
5 Min

2 Site and situation of settlements
5 Min

1 Types or Forms of migration
5 Min

1 Migration
5 Min

2 Notion of spatial interaction
5 Min

1 Age and sex composition
5 Min

1 Population Growth
5 Min

2 Factor of population Growth
5 Min

3 Modern demographic explosion
5 Min

4 Models of population growth
5 Min

1 Historical evolution of World Population
5 Min

1 Energy Resources
5 Min

1 Concept of age-sex pyramid
5 Min

1 Population Structure
5 Min

1 Population Distribution
5 Min

2 Spatial Population Distribution
5 Min

3 Modifications of population distribution
5 Min

1 Concept of urban settlement
5 Min

1 What is Agriculture
5 Min

1 Minerals and Mining
5 Min

1 Impacts of agriculture on the environment
5 Min

1 Agricultural Improvements
5 Min

2 Meeting the increasing food demand
5 Min

1 Von Thünen’s Theory of Agricultural Land use
5 Min

2 Sinclair’s model of agricultural land value
5 Min

1 Influences on Agriculture
5 Min

2 Systems of Agriculture
5 Min

3 Types of agricultural systems
5 Min

1 Urbanisation
5 Min

2 Current trends in urbanisation
5 Min

1 Measures of checking town spread
5 Min

1 Solving Inner City Decay/Decline
5 Min

1 Settlement Planning
5 Min

1 Structure of the city in MEDCs
5 Min

2 Factors affecting functional segregation
5 Min

1 Urban Hierarchy
5 Min

2 The settlement size and functional relationship
5 Min

3 The Rank-Size Rule
5 Min

1 Urban Regions
5 Min

2 Urban fields (Spheres of influence)
5 Min

1 What is manufacturing?
5 Min

1 Industrial location
5 Min

2 Factors of industrial location
5 Min

3 Government Policy & Industrial location
5 Min

4 The changing nature of industrial location
5 Min

5 Industrial Agglomerations
5 Min

1 Notion of Development
5 Min

1 Climatic change
5 Min

2 Global Warming
5 Min

3 Flooding
5 Min

1 Tourism
5 Min

1 Theory of Transport Network Development
5 Min

1 Transport Network Efficiency
5 Min

1 Transport Networks
5 Min

1 Transport
5 Min

1 Alfred Webber’s least – transport cost mode
5 Min

2 Other Theories of industrial location
5 Min

3 Sub optimal Industrial location
5 Min

1 Functional Linkages
5 Min

2 Industrial Inertia
5 Min

3 New trends in manufacturing Industries
5 Min

1 Strategies of Development
5 Min

2 New Industrial strategy for development
5 Min

5 Min

1 MAP ANALYSIS 8-Rural Settlements on maps
5 Min

2 MAP ANALYSIS 9-Urban Settlements on maps
5 Min

1 MAP ANALYSIS 6-Transport On maps
5 Min

2 MAP ANALYSIS 7-Land Use (economic activities) on maps
5 Min

1 MAP ANALYSIS 5-Vegetation
5 Min

1 MAP ANALYSIS 4-Drainage on maps
5 Min

1 MAP ANALYSIS 3-Relief on maps
5 Min

1 MAP ANALYSIS 1-Review of Ordinary Level Work (Map Reading Principles)
5 Min

1 International trade
5 Min

2 Trade Association (Trade Blocs)
5 Min

3 Recent Developments in Global Trade
5 Min

4 Aid and interdependence
5 Min

1 Globalisation
5 Min

5 Min

5 Min

5 Min

5 Min

5 Min

5 Min

5 Min

5 Min

5 Min

5 Min

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